How to combat malware and spyware

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network support packagesOne of the most pervasive and annoying features of running an IT network is the never ending battle against malware and spyware. This has been compounded by the rapid growth in devices connected to a network and the difficulties businesses can have in controlling software and “app” downloads.

What is malware and spyware?

Malware is defined by Google as “software which is specifically designed to disrupt or damage a computer system”. It is a broad term that covers everything from computer viruses to any form of malicious programme including spyware.

Spyware often comes hidden within official downloads and may not even be noticed by a user. Its purpose as the name suggests is to collect information from an infected computer and transmit that information to a remote, often criminal user.

Protection techniques

Firstly not all spyware is necessarily bad. There are certain programmes that will monitor web usage for example and these may be perfectly legitimate in a business looking to control visits to inappropriate websites from a work computer or parents protecting their children’s web activities.

Secondly, ensuring you have effective controls over software downloads to guarantee they are properly screened and come from a reputable source will minimise the chances of a large scale infection.

Thirdly, installing and maintaining a  mainstream antivirus package will protect your system from the vast majority of the worst attacks since the international software security companies are able to apply huge resources to tracking and reacting to new threats.

Professional network security support

IGC’s remote monitoring and network support offers businesses an additional level of security that allows us to often identify issues before they impact your operations. This includes dealing with possible threats through antivirus software, firewalls and anti SPAM measures. We will minimise nuisance attacks and keep your system safe.

Please give us a call if you would like to discuss your IT network’s security.



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