What is a cloud server?

Cloud hosting servers are power-on-demand virtual machines hosted in world-class infrastructure.  Additionally this includes a vast array of services that you would expect from a leading cloud provider. Technologies included such as 100Gb backbone, automated firewalls, autoscaling of resources and a wide range of applications and operating systems. Your business can tap into resources that are standing by and ready to work in an instant.

Cloud Servers enable the ability for “power on demand”, where your business can tap into resource that are standing by and ready to work in a short amount of time. By virtualising a cluster of servers on our enterprise class hardware, your business can acquire more computing resources like RAM, CPU and bandwidth.  The resources can be available exactly when it needs them and turn them off as easily as they were initiated. This means you undeniably pay for resources only as and when you need it.

By replacing the reliance on a server’s physical power and space. You never need to worry about provisioning, setting up, kick starting, managing and paying for a new server, every time usage spikes. Since its working in the background and invisible to users, Cloud Servers provide the highest levels of features, performance, security and uptime.

Moreover, cloud hosting is known for its reliability, as it utilizes multiple servers to ensure that if one servers goes down, the website application will be available on another server.

Basically many companies that offer Cloud servers are simply re-selling a rigid 3rd Party Cloud Platform. As a highly experienced and industry-leading provider of affordable enterprise-class cloud-IT our reputation is second to none

At IGC, we have designed and implemented our own Cloud infrastructure. We are specialists in Cloud Technologies and can offer your company a flexible Cloud Design.