Bank Replaces Debit Cards After Series Of Cyber Attacks on Personal Banking Products

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Lloyds Bank has started replacing debit cards for certain customers. Those who were affected by the British Airways hack and the Ticketmaster attack are being given new debit cards to help minimise the impact of cyber-crime.

The BBC reports:

“In the case of debit cards, the bank immediately issues a new card if it detects fraud. But when it comes to credit cards, Lloyds first writes to customers telling them that it intends to reissue their cards, and customers are given the option to opt out.

Lloyds said it had already written to customers affected by the Ticketmaster breach, which made up about 1% of all credit card customers. Barclays Bank has confirmed that in the event of a data breach, it would replace the debit cards of customers who may have been affected as a precautionary measure.”.

A representative for HSBC told the BBC:

“Protecting our customers and their money is an absolute priority for us, which is why we have put in place additional monitoring on cards that may have been affected by recent issues, but we are happy to replace a customer’s card if that is their preference.”

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