Protecting systems from hacker attacks

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protecting systems from hacker attacksThere are several risks you are exposed to in the case of a hacker attack: theft of customer information (such as address or credit card details), reduced income, damaged reputation, to name but a few.

Although a proper protection system can help your business information avoid falling into the wrong hands, there are also several precautions you can take yourself that will help you to prevent malware developers attacks.

Here’s a list of useful websites you can refer to when it comes to learning more about IT system protection:

Get Safe Online ( is jointly funded by the Government and several private sector companies. It is split in two sections: “Personal” and “Business”. Each provides you with plenty of tools, guidelines and rules to follow in order to prevent hackers compromising your systems.

Microsoft ( will help you take all the necessary precautions with regards to privacy settings, email and social networking websites, but also mobile devices and wireless networks.

protecting systems from hacker attacksStay Safe Online (, funded by National Cyber Security Alliance, offers you a series of resources on how to train your employees regarding online risks and how to make the right choices on the web. It also shows how to implement a cyber security plan and report cyber attacks.

Whilst it’s true that Mac computers are less vulnerable to malware attacks than Windows PC, they are not totally immune from viruses. If you use Apple devices in your company don’t underestimate the risks they are exposed to online (for detailed information on how to protect Macintosh computers click here: (

How to identify if you’ve been hacked? It’s not easy and you may not realise until it’s too late. There are some common signs to look out for listed in the following article: (

If you need some advice or think your company’s systems need further protection from internet menaces please give us a call on 0161 660 5154.

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