Key Benefits Of Cloud Computing

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cloud computing buryThe majority of businesses are aware of and now use cloud computing in one form or another. Here we discuss some of the key benefits of this technology.


Recognised by many users as one the key benefits, cloud computing servers allow you to instantly increase and decrease the size of your system. If you need more bandwidth cloud servers can provide it and then drop back to previous levels after the peak has occurred. If you need to add users, you can do it very easily and in the same way if you need to reduce the size of your system, that’s straightforward too.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Cloud based systems simplify the whole process of backing up your vital data and research shows that companies that use cloud based systems, recover up to four times faster than those using traditional systems.

Flexible Working

By allowing access to your company’s IT platform through the internet, your staff can work from anywhere. This means sales and service teams can access the necessary systems easily and keep data and action reporting up-to-date as they carry out their regular activities. For businesses with a wide geographical spread this makes doing business much simpler.

Simple Software Updates

Every aspect of your software from security to Microsoft Office products can be easily kept up-to-date as the packages are held centrally in the cloud and provided to each user rather than having to update multiple physical devices at each of your offices. This allows your IT department to control the software versions in place and avoid wasted time installing updates.

Minimal Startup Costs

Cloud based systems are generally provided on a monthly payment plan avoiding the need for a large initial investment. Pricing also scales up and down with the number of users needed avoiding costly over capacity.

Data Security

Tens of thousands of laptops are lost or damaged each year and while the cloud cannot help with the physical costs of replacing these, it can ensure your data is safe and easily recoverable.

IGC and the Cloud

As with everything your business buys, quality counts and IGC concentrate on the quality of the servers your services are hosted on. Reliability and speed are key and we are a highly-experienced, industry leading provider of cloud based IT systems. If you need some help, give us a call.



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