Extended Windows 10 Free Upgrade
Small and mid-sized businesses who didn’t take up the earlier offer to get a free Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade are now being given another opportunity to do so.
Small and mid-sized businesses who didn’t take up the earlier offer to get a free Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade are now being given another opportunity to do so.
The UK government’s post-Brexit strategy green paper ‘Building our Industrial Strategy’ shows that its previous commitments to more funding for rural broadband and rolling-out and 5G mobile networks is still on the cards.
Information Services Group (ISG) figures show that in 2016, traditional outsourcing contracts were replaced by cloud-based services to the point where spending on cloud-based contracts increased by 33% compared to 2015.
Akamai figures show that the inauguration of President Donald Trump broke all live video streaming records in terms of the rate of data transmission in Terabytes per second (tbps).
A family in Texas is suing Apple because they believe that a driver who was allegedly distracted by a FaceTime call on his iPhone while at the wheel was the reason for a road accident which resulted in the death of their five-year-old daughter.
Three Chinese citizens have been charged in the U.S. courts after it was found that they hacked U.S. law firms and then used the stolen information for insider-trading that netted them $4 million.
A Manhattan federal court charged the three men this week with conspiracy, insider trading, wire fraud and computer intrusion in a case that mixed cyber-crime with securities fraud.
The word from recruitment specialists to employers is that challenges in IT recruitment for 2017 will include a ‘High-Demand, Low Supply’ hiring landscape, and the need to adapt to the needs and expectations of millennials and Generation Z.
Figures from Gartner and IDC show that, apart from the three big vendors, sales of PCs fell in 2016, with technology improvements and innovations proving to be not strong enough motivators to stop the downward trend.
With many businesses now having upgraded to Windows 10, it’s useful to know which of the latest features the O/S can offer that can help you to work smarter, save time, and get better results.
The EU has voted to give a Bill of Rights to robots that will give them “electronic personhood” status in the eyes of the Law in anticipation of a new kind of industrial robot revolution.